It was so amazing to see so many children in the school on Friday!  I really have missed being with them.  This past week we focused on learning and practicing routines to keep us healthy.  It really amazed me how well they adapted and reminded each other, including me, which door to enter in through to the classroom or to sanitize our hands and put our mask on before we leave the classroom. On Friday we began reviewing the Zones of Regulation by talking about how we would feel in different situations and then moving to a pylon with the matching colour. Throughout the year, we will continue to learn about the Zones of Regulation and strategies we can put in our tool kit to help us be the best learners we can be.


Looking ahead to next week we will begin looking at sorting objects  by 1 or 2 attributes and learning how to describe the sorting rules.  In Social Studies we will start looking at the concept of community and how it relates to the 3 pillars of respect; Respect to self, Respect to others, and Respect to this place. In Science we initiate an exploration of the 5 senses and how they help animals and people.  In Language Arts, we will learn/review the mechanics of how to write a complete sentence and practice writing some sentences about ourselves.  

Have a fabulous long weekend!


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