Friday Blog Mar. 20th, 2021


Please return Home reading ASAP!  Only 6 students brought their books back today.  Books need to quarantine before we can put them out again. They should be returned every Friday. If your child did not return them this week, please help them find their books and have them put them in their backpacks to return on Monday.  Thanks you!

Mar. 26th: Last day of classes before Spring Break

Mar. 29th -Apr. 5th Spring Break NO SCHOOL

Apr. 6th Classes Resume

 This week in ELA we were working on writing reviews of books we have read.  We read two different picture books that students had to write reviews on.  We then learned that when we write reviews, we need to include specific information such as the title and the author.  We also talked about the importance of sharing what we liked or didn't like so that someone reading our review can decide if they want to read the book. Here are the links to the books we read, and a few samples of their writing.  Each child will post one of their reviews on IRIS next week.



This week in math we were learning about measurement. We practice measuring classroom objects with different non-standard units such as blocks, paper clips and cuisenaire rods. We then would compare the lengths to other objects and arrange them in order from tallest to shortest, or smallest to biggest. We then explored the concept of how the same object can have different measurements if we use different types of unit to measure it with such as centimetre cubes or paper clips.

During our inquiry block we have been learning about different types of communities in Canada and how the people and the animals use the land. We have learned about prairie communities and bison, and the Inuit and the polar bear. This week we learned about the Acadians and lobsters.  Here are some photos documenting the learning we have done. 

Ask Me About
  • What have I learned about lobsters/polar bears/bison?
  • What is a carnivore, herbivore, and omnivore?
  • Describe the land of the prairies, Arctic, and the Maritimes.


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